When to Call the Pastor

Call PastorEver thought about this? Its 2019, and the church appears to take a back seat to many things, today. But, I believe that the church, and, specifically, pastors, are an important part of the fabric of our lives. We need a pastor, at hard times and good times, in crisis or celebration, because connecting with a person, especially a person whose ‘identity’ is minister of the church, is a healthy, life-giving moment. Call your pastor. I mean it. 

So, the beloved family pet has died, or your son is in the emergency room following a baseball accident. No, of course these things are not the same, but some things are the same – your emotions are engaged, you are feeling that out of breath stress moment, or that can’t stop tearing up moment. Or maybe you got that raise at work you thought would never come, or you just found out your daughter is pregnant! Call the pastor. Just 20 seconds – a call just to clue her or him in on the changes in your life. Why? Because YOU are important to your pastor. Why? Because you are important to God, and your pastor is something of a conduit towards God.

I’m a pastor. I have gotten phone calls at poor times. I have let things go to voicemail if too much is happening right then. It’s ok. You will forgive me for calling back. I know you will. And, just a quick moment to address HOW you contact your pastor. Don’t give the message to someone else (they forget, and then they feel bad). Don’t put the message in a facebook post you hope the pastor will see (we screw that up too). And truly, all the message boards in the world (facebook messenger, instagram, etc) won’t really help me get the message. Call me. Or email me. Or even text me. Because I want to know.

The world today is different. I think I could have written that sentence at any moment in history. But, it is true. Things are different than they were 10 years and 10 seconds ago. But, God cares. God cares about you. And your pastor is an actual human here on earth with a smidgen of a connection to God. Call her. or him. or them. We want to know.


Pastor Patricia+