Extending the reach of Pastoral Care – offering care to those you don’t know

This is part 3 in a blog series about caring. Maybe you read the first blog about When to call the pastor, or the next blog about offering pastoral care to others. Here’s where all that caring leads – to care for those you don’t know but who need care. This is where the rubber meets the road. Because God laid down this template for us about how to live a life that is full, and meaningful, and honors the Creator. The Old Testament is the story of a relationship – a relationship of God the Creator with a group of people to whom God poured out God’s Love. From the beginning, God saw that it was not good for humanity to be alone. (Genesis 2:18). Relationship is everything. God’s loving relationship is reflected in all our relationships. The world today is struggling to find a way to reach out and love those in need. Sure, you have seen many people do it, you do it yourself. But as a society, I find we reach out in love less and less. Why? I believe one reason is that we feel starved for care, and so we withhold it from others – parceling it out in small bits to worthy individuals or groups, but withholding our caring from others because we feel a scarcity of care in our own lives.  Continue reading “Extending the reach of Pastoral Care – offering care to those you don’t know”