Collaboration – or changing the world?

“So, I guess we’re at ‘your place’ this week?” the smiling man from one of the other churches said to me yesterday. Three churches here in Salem, Oregon are doing something different – we’re trying to ‘up our game’ when it comes to collaboration. We are all three members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – a denomination that was formed in 1988 out of 3 predecessor church bodies. Back in 1988, the ALC, the LCA and the AELC got together to create a denomination that would better serve the neeeds of the folks who come to church, but, in my opinion, more importantly, to better serve the world that God has charged us to serve.  That’s the real story of Lutheranism, if you ask me. Martin Luther said, “God does not need your good works. Your neighbor does.” Can I get an AMEN? So, what is the purpose of collaboration between churches in general, and with these three churches in Salem, specifically?

We collaborate already. We have spent the last 3+ years gradually building a youth group (FLY – Faithful Lutheran Youth) that has gone on mission trips together, and had fun along the way. We collaborate as pastors, gathering to discuss the texts for the week, to help us craft better sermons. But what’s next?

Three churches, St Mark, Christ the Good Shepherd, and Holy Cross (that’s where I am pastor) decided to worship together once a month – August thru October. Just to see. Just to connect. To imagine what’s next. Our churches are smaller than is smart. We have trouble getting the tasks done that need doing in our own congregations. The building, the leadership jobs, occasionally feel like a burden. But the gift of sabbath- the Sunday worship experience – is often about feeling good. Feeling the joy of singing together, the thrill of a crowd in the sanctuary passing the peace (that means greeting folks in church), the fun of watching a group of children gather to learn something simple about God. If collaborating for worship makes that sabbath joy greater, why not choose that?

And maybe, if we choose the joy, if we choose the substantial wonder that is found in groups worshipping together, we will choose the life changing power of a group of people working for good in the world. If there are 3 times as many of us, how many homeless children can we feed with school snacks? How many coats can we gather for the neighborhood children? And, maybe a little scarier, what kind of an impact can we have at city council meetings when we stand up for treating people with dignity in our city, or our state? I suppose it could change the world, but I will be satisfied if we just change a few hearts and minds.

Come to church Sunday, September 29th, at Holy Cross Lutheran, at 9:30am. We’re changing the world.

Our address is 1998 Lansing Ave Ne, Salem, Oregon, 97301. visit us online at

Pastor Patricia+

achieve more together