I’m reading a period novel right now about Revolutionary War times. 240 years ago in this country. Much of the focus of the novel is on the servants – the ones who get the work done, while the prominent family members do important things like go to parties, and rub elbows with powerful people. I wonder if anyone reads these books and identifies with the ‘gentry’? I know I don’t. But, in the romanticized world of these servants, it seems the worst thing that heppens to them is sleepin on a pallet in the kitchen. History’s perspective in my lifetime has pointed out the vulnerability of servants (and even more so for slaves) that reveals the extremes of abuse that a servant can experience at the hands of a master.
1.the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
synonyms: saving, freeing from sin, absolution “God’s redemption of his people” -
2.the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.
synonyms: retrieval, recovery, reclamation, repossession, return Redemption is such a churchy word – and one of those words that shut people down. The only other place I remember using the word Redemption is when my mother and I would redeem Green Stamps.
The problem of Ruth, chapter 3
My daughter texted me this week as she arrived at her Book Club. “We are sick of love stories where people know they are in love 3 seconds into the relationship” Yes, of course they are. Because life is not a Harlequin romance or a Hallmark Channel Love story. Why spend another minute of your life on drivel designed not to uplift our thoughts but rather to let us stay in that smushed zone, where our emotions are slip sliding all over the newly waxed floor of life! Ok, enough of that. Continue reading “The problem of Ruth, chapter 3”
The Narrative Arc
The ELCA Youth Gathering 2018 – we each had a part
When you start watching videos from the ELCA Youth Gathering, it’s hard to stop. Tonight at 6 pm our FLY (Faithful Lutheran Youth) group who attended the Gathering in Houston will be our featured speakers as they tell all of us about their trip, and what they learned. I hope you will join us at Holy Cross Lutheran church, 1998 Lansing Ave NE,Salem, OR 97301 at 6pm = Dessert will be served (Gluten free and healthy options available) God bless you all! – Pastor Patricia+