Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Boy, has Mother Nature let us know it’s fall!

Just a quick note to you all about our Day of the Dead and All Saints celebration on November 3rd.  We have set up an “Ofreda”, or “table” for Day of the Dead.  Please feel free to bring bright flowers, or photographs or other remembrances of your departed loved ones for the Ofreda.  The Ofreda will stay up until November 5th.



Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!

A few items that I didn’t have room for in the Email Blast this week:

We will commemorate the Saints who have died in this past year again this year on All Saints. The office has these names to commemorate: Arnold Jensen, Gerald Swendseid, Marion Livingston and Jan Shidler.  If you have names to add to this list, please contact the office no later than October 30 to be included in the bulletin for November 3rd. Thank you.

Family Promise 20th Anniversary Luncheon
Monday, October 21st, Noon to 1pm
Willamette Heritage Center
1313 Mill St. SE, Salem 97301
Please RSVP to Doug Odell at 503/370-9752
If you do attend, plan on arriving about 15 minutes early as it starts promptly at noon!

And last but not least – Happy Anniversary to me!  I have been blessed to work with the Holy Cross family for one year now.  I love my job and the people I encounter every day.  Thank you for your love and support!  Janet


Blessing of the Animals in the Gym tomorrow!

Friends, it looks like our streak of good weather for Blessing of the Animals is over! Please join us in the gym tomorrow, Sept 22 at Holy Cross Lutheran as we bless all the leashed and crated pets you bring to us!

Also, bring pictures of pets you cannot bring that day, won’t you?

We have worshipped in the gym before with our pets, and it works just fine!  We will also have a children’s message featuring Daniel Tiger and welcome new members of Holy Cross! Don’t miss it – see you at 9:30 am in the gym at 1998 Lansing Ave NE, Salem, Oregon, 97301. – Pastor P+