Weekly Email Blast

Hello everyone!  Please make sure you sign up to have your picture taken for our Lifetouch Directory.  We have many times available for Monday, December 9th.  Please give me a call at the church office so I can schedule you in if you can’t make it in to personally sign up,



Weekly Email Blast

Hello everyone!  Here’s your weekly dose of information from Holy Cross.

Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar is holding a meet and greet called the “Bishop’s Whirlwind Weekend” on November 9th at St. Matthew’s Lutheran, Beaverton from 10 to 12:30. Pastor Patricia still has 2 places left in her car! Meet in the Holy Cross parking lot at 9:15 on Saturday morning if you want to attend! Thanks!



Weekly Email Blast

Hi, everyone!  Don’t forget to wear red for Reformation Sunday.  We’ll be celebrating at St. Mark with Christ the Good Shepherd, October 27th.



Additional Information

Hello, everyone!  I missed an important item on the calendar:

Pastor Patricia will be out of the office on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week (Oct, 21, 22 & 23rd).  She will be attending the Bishop’s Convocation in Newport.

And a reminder that the office will be closing at 11:30 Monday
