Clearing up some confusion

Hello, everyone!  On the lower right side of yesterday’s email blast where it lists the ChurchLife schedule, on January 26th it reads “Annual Meeting, no meeting”.  It should read “Annual Meeting, no ChurchLife meeting.”

Sorry for any confusion!


Weekly Email Blast

Hello!  I want to thank everyone who got their reports to me in a timely manner!  I am printing the Annual Reports right now!  They will be available in the narthex on Sunday, January 12th.  If we run out, please let me know and I will print more.  Oh, and stay warm this upcoming week!



Weekly Email Blast

Happy New Year everyone!  A reminder that our Annual Meeting is coming up on Sunday, January 26th after worship.  I have received some reports to include in the Annual Meeting Report, but I am missing quite a few.  I respectfully request that the heads of these committees please get their reports to me ASAP!
Finance Committee
2nd VP
Faith in Action
Worship and Music
Nominating Committee
Memorial (Gordon, I already gave you permission to be late!)
Proposed Budget
Notes to Proposed Budget
Bank Balances

We would like to make the reports available to you all on January 12th, so please have your reports to me by next Wednesday, January 8th, so that I have time to copy and collate them.  Thank you in advance for helping me!

