Hello, everyone! I hope you’ve been enjoying this lovely spring weather that we’ve been having, while “socially distancing” and keeping at least 6 feet apart! And keep washing your hands!
Weekly Email Blast
Hello, everyone! I hope you’ve been enjoying this lovely spring weather that we’ve been having, while “socially distancing” and keeping at least 6 feet apart! And keep washing your hands!
I forgot to attach this to the first email! I guess I’m distracted by my new copier being installed!
the raising of lazarus march 29 sermon and gospel
Praying together at Holy Cross April 5
I hope everyone is staying indoors and staying as safe as one can be. These are trying times, for sure. But if you are out and about, please swing by the church and pick up a copy of our daily devotional, “Christ in Our Home”. I’ve put some in a box by the front door.
Hang in there, and we will get through this together, even if separate.
Good morning, everyone! I hope you are all safe and healthy and staying at home as much as possible.
If you do need to go out for any reason, please swing by the church and pick up a copy of “Christ in Our Home”, our daily devotional for April, May and June. The booklets are outside in a box near the front door.
Here’s a modified version of our weekly email blast. I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and staying at home as much as possible.