Link to Zoom meeting

Every Thursday at 5 pm Pastor Patricia will host a Zoom Bible study/conversation – “What is God Saying Today?”

We will use the Zoom platform and the lectionary for the Sunday coming up – I find that at

Zoom Instructions for Participants

Sometime before 5 pm  on Thursdays

You will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speaker or headphones. You will have the opportunity to check your audio immediately upon joining a meeting.

Here is the link to our meeting – it’s the same every Thursday – I recommend logging into Zoom and signing in (it is free to register) and then entering the meeting ID in the box provided.

Zoom Meeting ID: 782-5295-9541782 5295 9541 Password: 9ZvcXn

You have an opportunity to test your audio at this point by clicking on “Test Computer Audio.” Once you are satisfied that your audio works, click on “Join audio by computer.”

Participant controls are in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen:

Using the icons in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen, you can:

  • Mute/Unmute your microphone (far left)
  • Turn on/off camera (“Start/Stop Video”)
  • Somewhere on your Zoom screen you will also see a choice to toggle between “speaker” and “gallery – I recommend Gallery!

Weekly Email Blast

Graduates of 2020 are special!  Won’t you please email or phone the church to tell us about graduates in your family? We want to know the high school and college and professional education graduates!  Let’s honor them all in the weeks to come, since their experience is so different from many of us.

Also, if anyone is interested in applying for a scholarship from our Endowment Fund, please let me know I can mail a packet out to you.




My Mean Spirited Self (MMSS)

It’s been an interesting few years.  The world around us is a divided one, with opinions across the spectrum. Oh, wait, the world has always been thus. My Aunt Fanny and my father used to debate the merits of Lyndon Johnson every time we were together. My Aunt Fanny used to always say, “Well, just remember the Milk Fund scandal”. I don’t think any of you remember the milk fund scandal, and I myself think its a pretty lame controversy. So, we’ve always chosen sides, and had differing opinions from others in our world. Politics, and current events seem to be ready targets for the conflicts between us. Continue reading “My Mean Spirited Self (MMSS)”

Weekly Email Blast

I hope this weekly email finds you all in good health, staying at home and staying safe.  Pastor P will be holding a weekly Zoom meeting on Thursday evenings at 5:00pm.  There are instructions on how to join this meeting in the blast.  As we get ready for our first Zoom meeting tomorrow, think about this question and bring your answer to the meeting:  ‘What has changed in my life since the quarantine that really gets on my nerves?’.

We still have “Christ in Our Home” daily devotionals in a box on the front porch for you to pick up if you do happen to be out and about.  Please be safe and mindful if anyone else is here.


Be well, friends.
