An Invitation from Pastor Shelley Willem

The Let’s Talk group that gathered on 5/12 have renamed this group “Better Together”.  After some check in time we picked up two threads of conversation that were active back in February; an event to mark the commemoration of the Emmanuel 9 on June 17th and better organization and staffing of FLY.

Are you thinking about future collaborations in Salem?  Please join in on our meeting and share your vision.

Shelley Willem is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on May 26th at 6:00pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 6737 8231

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Meeting ID: 832 6737 8231

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Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Hope you’re all safe and staying well.

There will not be a 5:00 Zoom “What is God Saying Today” this Thursday.  Instead, please join in a different Zoom meeting for Ascension Holden Evening Prayer worship at 7:00pm.


5-20-20 attachment


Updated With Correct Zoom Meeting ID

Hello, everyone!  Hope you all are well and staying safe.

Link to Zoom meeting

Every Thursday at 5 pm Pastor Patricia will host a Zoom Bible study/conversation – “What is God Saying Today?”

We will use the Zoom platform and the lectionary for the Sunday coming up – I find that at

Zoom Instructions for Participants

Sometime before 5 pm on Thursdays

You will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speaker or headphones. You will have the opportunity to check your audio immediately upon joining a meeting.

Here is the link to our meeting – it’s the same every Thursday – I recommend logging into Zoom and signing in (it is free to register) and then entering the meeting ID in the box provided.

Zoom Meeting ID: 782-5295-9541 (copy and paste this into your browser) Password: 9ZvcXn 

You have an opportunity to test your audio at this point by clicking on “Test Computer Audio.” Once you are satisfied that your audio works, click on “Join audio by computer.”

Participant controls are in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen:

Using the icons in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen, you can:

  • Mute/Unmute your microphone (far left)5-13-20 5-13-20 attachment
  • Turn on/off camera (“Start/Stop Video”)
  • Somewhere on your Zoom screen you will also see a choice to toggle between “speaker” and “gallery – I recommend Gallery!Also, here’s a link to a coloring page for Pentecost Flames – please read the email blast for instructions.  Copy and paste into your browser.

Be well!


Weekly Email Blast – updated with correct Zoom meeting ID

Hello, everyone!  Hope you all are well and staying safe.

Link to Zoom meeting

Every Thursday at 5 pm Pastor Patricia will host a Zoom Bible study/conversation – “What is God Saying Today?”

We will use the Zoom platform and the lectionary for the Sunday coming up – I find that at

Zoom Instructions for Participants

Sometime before 5 pm on Thursdays

You will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speaker or headphones. You will have the opportunity to check your audio immediately upon joining a meeting.

Here is the link to our meeting – it’s the same every Thursday – I recommend logging into Zoom and signing in (it is free to register) and then entering the meeting ID in the box provided.

Zoom Meeting ID: 782-5295-9541 (copy and paste this into your browser) Password: 9ZvcXn 

You have an opportunity to test your audio at this point by clicking on “Test Computer Audio.” Once you are satisfied that your audio works, click on “Join audio by computer.”

Participant controls are in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen:

Using the icons in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen, you can:

  • Mute/Unmute your microphone (far left)5-13-20 5-13-20 attachment
  • Turn on/off camera (“Start/Stop Video”)
  • Somewhere on your Zoom screen you will also see a choice to toggle between “speaker” and “gallery – I recommend Gallery!Also, here’s a link to a coloring page for Pentecost Flames – please read the email blast for instructions.  Copy and paste into your browser.

Be well!
