Hello, everyone! Hope you are ready for some real, summer-like weather! Looks like it’s going to be nice outside for socially distancing Father’s Day celebrations! Hope all of you great Dads out there have a wonderful day!
Weekly Email Blast
Hello, everyone! Hope you are ready for some real, summer-like weather! Looks like it’s going to be nice outside for socially distancing Father’s Day celebrations! Hope all of you great Dads out there have a wonderful day!
Hello, everyone! I hope you are all well and staying safe. As we look towards welcoming people into the church again, we want to make sure that if your address or phone number has changed to please give me a call (503/364-6041) so we can update our Lifetouch directory with an addendum that reflects those changes. We would also like you to name an emergency contact person (not someone in your household) and give us their phone number. That information will NOT be shared in the directory.
Also, I realized today that I was a week ahead of myself on the mail out that we did yesterday. I mistakenly sent the sermon for June 21st, not the 14th. The sermon for the 14th is in this email attachment, but please give me a call if you would like a hard copy.
Thanks! Be well!
Hello, everyone! Here’s your weekly blast from Holy Cross! And if you haven’t already, please make sure to return the postcards to me indicating your preference
Quick invite – if you have 45 minutes and want to talk to some of your Holy Cross friends (and a little bit of bible study)
Patricia Hughes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: What is God saying today? – Pentecost – what is it? and why? And what does that have to do with what’s happening in the world today?
Time: May 28, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
May 28, 2020 05:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 782 5295 9541
Password: 9ZvcXn
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Hello everyone! Hope you’re ready for some warm weather (that is, before the rain this weekend!). There’s information in this blast regarding the Drive Up Communion this Sunday at 2:00pm. Hope you can come!
Thank you to all who have returned the cards expressing your preference for how you want to receive information from the church. It will help to cut down on our postage costs if you just want to receive the weekly blasts.