Weekly Email Blast

Hello everyone!  Here’s this week’s dose of information for you as we get ready for our first Outdoor Worship Service of 2020 this Sunday, July 12th, at the new time of 10:00am.  Please note that this is kind of an experiment and we may hit a few bumps in the road- so please be patient with us!  Dress according to the weather, which can be fickle this time of year.  And please give me a call and RSVP so we know how many are coming.  Thanks!


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Just a Reminder

Hello, everyone!  Just wanted to let you know that the Holy Cross church office will be closed tomorrow, July 3rd, for the Independence Day holiday.  That means I won’t be answering the phone or responding to emails until Monday.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!


Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  This week’s blast tells you about an exciting opportunity!  We’re having a Parking Lot Worship Service (weather permitting, of course) at 10:00am on July 12th.  So if it’s raining, you can stay at home and watch Pastor Patricia’s sermon on You Tube.  She’ll have it posted later in the day.


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Be well, and keep washing your hands and wearing masks!


Jack and Bev Tincknell – 50 years together – sheltering in place at Willamette Lutheran Community

Hi, Folks, We had hoped to celebrate Jack and Bev for their 50th anniversary, but they are residents of Willamette Lutheran Retirement Community (which they really love, by the way) and that facility has locked down (Appropriately!) because of a Covid case there.

We need to celebrate these two with cards, and phone calls etc.

We had hoped to do a drive by of sorts but that didn’t work out, obviously.

Apologies from Me (Pastor P) for the late notice)

Pastor P

Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Looks like the weather will be a bit nicer to us in the coming days – no temps in the 90’s!


Show Up, drive in the Sunnyview entrance, and be directed to park facing the sidewalk on the south side of the church. Pastor P will do some fun things – Admit Joe Schultz into membership at Holy Cross – and maybe make gifts of Bibles to young persons who have reached a certain age!

Then you will line up to drive past Pastor P and the Assisting Minister to hear the words of institution, and prayers. Bring your own Bread and Wine or Juice (follow Oregon open container laws, please), and receive communion all from within your car – at a safe distance!

Thank you for your support of these Drive up Service Moments as we prepare for reopening!


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