Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  As we slide into September, Mother Nature has a last blast of summer heat for us!  I hope everyone stays cool & well hydrated!  If you plan on attending our Outdoor Worship this coming Sunday, September 6th, please remember to bring a hat, umbrella, or whatever to keep you in the shade.  Also remember to call me and RSVP since we have a limited number of seats.


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Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  We had a great turnout for our Outdoor Worship on August 23rd.  We’ll be doing it again on September 6th – please remember to call me to RSVP since we can accommodate only a certain number of people.

Also, we have extended the School Supply Drive to September 6th.  Please contribute, if you can, to our students at Washington Elementary.


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Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Let’s take a moment to thank Mother Nature for backing off on those high temperatures!

Here’s your weekly dose of information from Holy Cross.  Remember, we’re having another Outdoor Worship this coming Sunday at 10:00am.  Please call me at 503/364-6041 to RSVP!


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Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Enjoy today’s cooler weather, because it’s going to be hot, hot, HOT this weekend!  And don’t forget to RSVP to me (503/364-6041) for our Outdoor Worship on August 23rd, where we will honor our scholarship recipients!


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Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Our focus is on our school supply drive – you can bring your donations to our Outdoor Worship this coming Sunday, August 9th at 10am.  Thank you in advance for contributing to Washington Elementary!


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