Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  I hope you all are well & staying safe during this horrible air quality event.  We have cancelled this Sundays outdoor worship due to the poor air quality and hope to have an outdoor service on Sunday, September 27th at 10am.

We have been working on updating the church database because many birthdays were entered wrong or not at all.  We don’t want to miss your important day, so if you haven’t received a call from me, would you please take a moment to call me and let me know your correct date of birth?  We will not publish this information and it will only be kept in the church office.  Thanks so much for your help with this!


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Specific information about donating and volunteering – read now!

Our Friends at Salem Leadership Foundation just sent us this good information – Good ways to help right now!

CaN Partners,

Many of you have generously asked how you can best support victims of local wildfires, especially those individuals and families that have been displaced.

Right now there is a coordinated effort by the United Way of the MId-Willamette Valley to accept in-kind donations along with coordinating volunteers to help organize donated items and get them out to evacuees.

Here’s where we could definitely use support from you and your congregation:

  • Collecting donated items from your congregation (tents, sleeping bags, pillows, air mattresses, bedding, blankets, masks, cleaning supplies, diapers, bottles, formula, hygiene supplies, water, pre-packaged food items, etc)
  • Or directly having church members drop off donated items at 1705 Silverton Rd NE on Friday (9/11) from 8:00-11:00-am and 3:00-6:00pm, on Saturday (9/12) from 9:00-5:00pm, or Sunday (9/13) from 9:00-5:00pm.
  • Volunteers willing to help can arrive at 1705 Silverton Rd NE on Friday (9/11) from 8:00-Noon to help organize and/or from 12:00-4:00pm for crowd management and help loading & unloading.  Volunteers can also help out on Saturday (9/12) from 8:00-5:00pm or on Sunday (9/13) from 8:00-5:00pm.  Volunteers can also sign up to volunteer on the United Way Mid-Willamette Valley website.  United Way will be sharing this list with their community partners that might have volunteer opportunities as well.  This will help sustain the level of supports throughout our community.
  • Additional Donation Times will be sent out as soon as we can confirm them.

Thanks, again, for your heart to see God bringing comfort and healing to those in our community.  Thanks also for your continued servant-leadership in our community to usher in God’s peace and hope.

Please let us know if you’ve got questions, concerns, or need more information.  We’re hoping to have more information out to everyone in the coming day about additional ways to help out. – Salem Leadership Foundation

Special email blast – no inperson meetings at holy cross tonight

Our Bible study at 5pm will continue as planned, on Zoom.  NO inperson meeting. Stay home and stay safe.

Topic: What is God Saying today?
Time: Sep 10, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 5501 8008
Passcode: 569519

ALSO-Today’s Task force meeting at 6 pm WILL HAPPEN at 6 on zoom but will be REPURPOSED to a 30 minute check in meeting on zoom. We need to support each other in these times of stress and change. Pastor will offer prayer and lament and folks can check in. We will rescheduled the task force meeting after the fire situation changes from emergency level.  Here’s that zoom info for tonight

Topic: Reopening Task Force and Worship task force
Time: Sep 10, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 2369 7384
Passcode: 728329
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,82423697384#,,,,,,0#,,728329# US (Houston)
+16699009128,,82423697384#,,,,,,0#,,728329# US (San Jose)

STAY SAFE! BE WELL! Be in prayer for our brothers and sisters in harms way. – Pastor Patricia and Bryan Struve, President, send you this message.

Weekly Email Blast

Friends, we at Holy Cross are praying for your safety at this time of extreme fire danger in our home here in the Willamette Valley. For those evacuated we pray for calm, and safety, for those who are at a level 2 (Get ready), may you be completely ready for whatever change the winds bring your way. And for those who are safe, but pensively watching the clouds and the sky, we pray for your peace of mind in these times, and ask you to each pray for the firefighters, and volunteers who are caring for the displaced. And, if you can serve in your own way, with your neighbors, your friends, family, or strangers, may God show you the way. Amen – Pastor P+


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