Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1998 Lansing Ave Ne, Salem, Or 97301 www.holycrosslutheran-salem.org 503 364 6041
503 364-6041 CCLI Streaming License20877087 Size A Copyright License 11156528 Size A
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1998 Lansing Ave Ne, Salem, Or 97301 www.holycrosslutheran-salem.org 503 364 6041
503 364-6041 CCLI Streaming License20877087 Size A Copyright License 11156528 Size A
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1998 Lansing Ave Ne, Salem, Or 97301 www.holycrosslutheran-salem.org 503 364 6041
503 364-6041 CCLI Streaming License20877087 Size A Copyright License 11156528 Size A
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1998 Lansing Ave Ne, Salem, Or 97301 www.holycrosslutheran-salem.org 503 364 6041
503 364-6041 CCLI Streaming License20877087 Size A Copyright License 11156528 Size A
Friends – Your Church Council and I have made a decision to CANCEL WORSHIP IN PERSON ON SUNDAY JUNE 27TH. The hot weather is a threat to safety, and we are unwilling to risk your health.
So – Please Watch ONLINE on Sunday (facebook or www.holycrosslutheran-salem.org), and stay safe!
NOW – Let’s talk about SAFETY. Are you safe? This weather will be nearly unbearable if you are not in a space with air conditioning. At the end of this document we will list cooling centers in the area.
As we face this challenge here are three things you can do:
If you or someone you know does not have air conditioning and needs relief, please contact me by email (patriciamakesjam@gmail.com) or by phone 503 510 9976. I will try to connect you with resources.
If you do have air conditioning and are willing to host someone who doesn’t during this heat wave, please also text or email me and let me know you can be a resource.
Please take a moment to think of your friends and neighbors who may need relief and give them a call yourself just to check on them. (church friends, neighbors, people you know who are alone).
As you know, we have been participating with the Oregon Disaster Response through the Oregon Synod, and last night’s meeting was quite sobering about just how difficult the next few days may be. This is not a drill, friends. Be safe. Pastor Patricia Hughes
Cooling Centers:
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1998 Lansing Ave Ne, Salem, Or 97301 www.holycrosslutheran-salem.org 503 364 6041
503 364-6041 CCLI Streaming License20877087 Size A Copyright License 11156528 Size A