Don’t miss the Ascension day worship this thursday, May 30th, at 7 pm at Peace Lutheran Church, 1525 Glen Creek Rd., in West Salem. We have been invited to participate in this worship together! Holy Cross hosted last year, and now we will visit Peace Lutheran for this annual worship event.
Holy Cross is providing the musicians – Dr. Greg Bowers will play the piano, and Lonnie Jensen and Sarah Tolleson will sing the leads on Holden Evening Prayer! And, yours truly, Reverend Patricia Wolf Hughes, will bring the message!
Peace has also mentioned a reception to follow – a good opportunity for conversation between the two churches!
Stefan Waligur singing I arise
The title of this blog is I arise! The Celtic tradition of worship introduced me to this theme – I arise! When you think about Jesus ascending into heaven, a concurrent thought for me is, How is God beckoning me to arise with him? What would it look like if I arose? Could I change the world with God’s love? Maybe! Give it some thought. – Pastor Patricia+